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Monday, August 22, 2011

How do you feel about your appearance? why?

  Appearance - appearance is the first thing people would notice, well indeed! We are doing a lot of things just to take good care of our appearance. Some may go to expensive treatment, body shop, and etc. just to make their body, hair and most especially their face to be appealing.
  I feel very blessed about my appearance. Well, because I have eyes to see the wonderful things God had made, I have nose to breath in and out for me to be able to stay alive here in this world. I have mouth&tongue to utter words, to sing, to speak and to eat tasty foods for me to survive. I have ears to hear the sweet melody of those little birds twittering on a tree and ears to hear my love ones speaking. I don't have any defects on my body; I can dance freely with the beat goes up and down till it turns mellow. I can write and hold things till my hands ache, I can walk across and over the bridges feeling the heat of the sun. I can run along the wet streets having fun with the rain. I have good brain that doesn't stops thinking and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  I know I am not that appealing to everybody. That I don't have "perfect" figure of face and body not like the beauty queens have. But still I know that I'm beautiful because I was created by the likeness of our dear Creator and I know I'm unique.
  Lastly, we need to be confident. Stay confident because it makes you beautiful! We are not required to spend money just to be appealing to everybody because what is beauty if your attitude is kinda smelly than a septic tank. Attitude speaks best than appearance. Always remember that we are all unique.

ME being unique in my simple way .. :)

What would you do if the surprise party was for you but you weren't surprised?

If I wasn't surprised, I'd rather tell them the truth not to offend them but, to stay true and honest. Even though they were not able to do the party a success. Still, I'll thank them for their efforts and all to show them my appreciation.

What is the best advice you ever received? Why do you think it is the best?

"Never use failure as an excuse for not trying again, we may not be able to undo the damage or reverse the consequences but we can always make a new start", I choose this advice whereas it inspires me a lot. This serves as my guide to be optimistic at all times.

What do you think about when you can't fall asleep?

   Entirely speaking, it would be that ridiculous to know if the person has an insomnia or having different problems. It could demand our mind to can't fall asleep. So just by it simply saying that the feeling of a person that can't fall asleep is like that there is something heavy things on top of his head.
   Life is like a season, everyday season change just like people around us. We really don't know if what would happen next. The things that is unexpected could have the possibility to happen it in reality. But it's still have the lesson that we may able to acknowledge.
   I may not have the full strength to strive the bad things that we considered as problems that could possibly happen. Yet, there's nothing else to do if it is already had happened. So by having different kinds of problem. The fact that still remains that there could be a lot of reasons to solve such problems.

what would you do if you were the teacher and everyone forgot his homework? elaborate your answer.

   Education speaks best but tardiness makes things worst. If I were a teacher and everyone forgot their homework nor their assignments then I could have the feeling of being disappointed. Just like experiencing it nowadays. As a high school student; sometimes there are instances that we may able to forget our responsibilities.
   Thus, on the other hand the ability of a student has been outcast by different forms of deeds. Either you've been appreciated or you've got discriminated. The fact that stays that there could be a lot of reasons to defend such acts. But its still discipline that we need to gain.
   I may not be glad for receiving it. Yet, there's nothing else to do if it already had happened. I may give a second chances but just like any other human thing. It would only rely on how they would crave for it.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Describe the most ludicrous outfit you can think of:

the most ludicrous outfit that i can think of is wearing an orange dress , colored stripes knee socks, and a  black shoes.
 wearing a  spaghetti shirt, skirt below the knee, not same sizes of  socks, and slippers.

what would you do if you woke up another country and no one could understand you??

For me, i will sleep again to go back again to my true country..
 but if it is true that i am in the other country, i will do what i want and observe the people in that country..

Friday, August 19, 2011

my most indispensable possession

My most indispensable possession is my FAMILY and my FAITH in the Lord. I could no longer have another group of people like them. The family I'm talking about is the family where I belong (in the organisations, in our church, in my friends and my family in our home) there are my family. Lastly, my faith in the Lord our Dear Creator because I'm His masterpiece and his child.