I feel very blessed about my appearance. Well, because I have eyes to see the wonderful things God had made, I have nose to breath in and out for me to be able to stay alive here in this world. I have mouth&tongue to utter words, to sing, to speak and to eat tasty foods for me to survive. I have ears to hear the sweet melody of those little birds twittering on a tree and ears to hear my love ones speaking. I don't have any defects on my body; I can dance freely with the beat goes up and down till it turns mellow. I can write and hold things till my hands ache, I can walk across and over the bridges feeling the heat of the sun. I can run along the wet streets having fun with the rain. I have good brain that doesn't stops thinking and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I know I am not that appealing to everybody. That I don't have "perfect" figure of face and body not like the beauty queens have. But still I know that I'm beautiful because I was created by the likeness of our dear Creator and I know I'm unique.
Lastly, we need to be confident. Stay confident because it makes you beautiful! We are not required to spend money just to be appealing to everybody because what is beauty if your attitude is kinda smelly than a septic tank. Attitude speaks best than appearance. Always remember that we are all unique.

ME being unique in my simple way .. :)