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Monday, August 22, 2011

What do you think about when you can't fall asleep?

   Entirely speaking, it would be that ridiculous to know if the person has an insomnia or having different problems. It could demand our mind to can't fall asleep. So just by it simply saying that the feeling of a person that can't fall asleep is like that there is something heavy things on top of his head.
   Life is like a season, everyday season change just like people around us. We really don't know if what would happen next. The things that is unexpected could have the possibility to happen it in reality. But it's still have the lesson that we may able to acknowledge.
   I may not have the full strength to strive the bad things that we considered as problems that could possibly happen. Yet, there's nothing else to do if it is already had happened. So by having different kinds of problem. The fact that still remains that there could be a lot of reasons to solve such problems.

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