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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I wish i could be like ... this person is ...

- Earth has different kind of people and we have to admit that some of them are very incredible , I wish i could be one of those ... I wish i could be Albert Einstein because this person was so amazing . He's so brilliant . I want to discover new theories and study such undiscovered things . I know its impossible but dreaming is not bad .

How do you feel when you do something wrong ?

- I would sometimes hate myself .I feel so guilty and sorry .Sometimes if i really made a terrible mistake , it makes me feel like very useless and idiot. But however , sometimes if i made wrong to somebody whose not making bad to me , I always think of some other ways to make that somebody happy and forgive me.

What would happen if you threw a piece of trash on the ground ? What if everyone did ?

- That trash could tell what person am I.Every trash that we threw on the ground symbolizes how we don't care about mother earth and it is very insulting for her.If we keep on doing this , earth would be covered by that trashes and could lead to disasters. We are the ones who made our sufferings right now but its not the end , we can prevent it. Stop making too much trashes.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted ? When would you use this ability ? use

- No words can describe my happiness if ever i could fly.The whole wide world will idolize me and i will be famous.I use this ability whenever i have my problems and I have nobody to linger on , I will just fly high and relax , feel the freshness of the air.I would definitely treasure this to GOD give ability and share it to others.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

what is your favorite song and why ?

 Songs - its like a bridge of our feelings to speak out or to express something we can't express through our mouth ; it seems to be our way to express our deepest feelings to someone when we can't do nothing because we're overtaken by our tension . Sometimes it's our sweet escape from the reality . We could just sit down while we're looking beyond in some things as we listen to the song that goes on and on until the feelings would simply go . On the other hand , songs serves as our spreading out or letting out the joy that's in our hearts depending in the situation and in the song on how you interpret the lyrics .
 The world has so many songs that revolves around it . Well of-course I have favorite songs . But my most favorite song is entitled ____________________ . I could not forget on how this song became my favorite song . This song became my favorite song when I was in second year high school . It was during our camp on the night service when this song made me cry out laud . When in fact I don't cry that way and crying is not my habit not until that time . I was really touched and I felt something that I can't understand why I burst out crying and seeking for Him . (seeking for something that I didn't mind to search in the past years of my life living in this world) . That song touches my flesh through the walls of my life till it touches my soul . Because of that song my heart was opened up to the things that only faith can open it ; that only by faith you can understand it .
 I know that as days goes on there will be new songs that will arise . I may like new songs ; different songs  but I will never forget this song . It's better to have favorite song because it would serve as your strength , your guide , your motivation or maybe it can be the thing you can look at and it can be your friend that comforts you when your down . Songs can make you feel better and sometimes lets you dance , jump , shout  , sometimes make you cry and the worst thing is : Songs can make you go crazy . Songs are amazingly great !

Why is exercise important to someone your age?

The exercise is vital to our youth because it is the way to make us healthy and strong with a powerful physique. Exercise is also helps to hold the pain of the joints.

Why is important to be honest?

Being honest is very important because it allows us to trust one another. And here is also based what habit you have.

What kind of animal would you like to be? Why?

I choose a cat, because most of all woman loves cat. And when the woman has problems displaying his displeasure with cats. Even she would not say the problem with her parents, I am here to hear it.

I wish I could forget the time...because...

I wish I could forget the time, that I met my love because, I'm not satisfy in what she have now. I want to change the time that she was sad and alone and I'm not there to listen and help her problem.

Monday, September 5, 2011

s.) if you owned a store, what would you do to discourage people from stealing from you?

   - well, my first step is to put a biblical saying to the store so that the people who plans to steal in my store will consience.

t.) if you could break the guiness book of record it would be for?

 - the girl who can drive a motor in a super speed without  falling in the driveway