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Sunday, October 23, 2011
explain how to play your favorite game?
my favorite game is basketball. If you want to play this game is just follow the game rules. To play this game , you will make sure that you will bounce the ball that you have been holding , do not run while holding the ball , do not mae the ball bounce with your two hands , and then you have to shoot the ball in the ring.
what would you do if someone got in front of you when you were a line at the movies?
i will talk to that person and i will said to him/her that do not do to others what you don`t want them to do to you. And i will said that just respect the rights of the other who are standing and falling in line in that movie that they want to saw.
what would you do if you saw little bugs in your salad?
i will complain to the owner of the store and i will get my money to them. Or i will command to the maker of the salad to make me another salad because there`s bugs in my salad that he/she make a minuets ago.
Would you like to be famous? why r why not?
i don`t want to be famous because the person that is famous is always being followed by a news. I don`t want to be news or i don`t want to be talked by the any people sorround me. I just want to live happily and peacefully. And I don`t want to be seen in the television, I don`t want to face in the camera also.
I wish there were a law that said...
this law is so good and that law is " it is ok to not wear the priscribe uniform" because there`s manny family who cannot affoard to buy uniform. Not in the uniform we can measure the ability of the student we can measure it in his talent that he shown to us..
I wish eveyone would learn to ... then everyone would ...
Wishing has no limitation . You could wish as long as you want to . It's free , no tax , you could not find any problem about it and most especially it's for eveybody who wants it .

I wish everyone could learn to love like God 's love , then everyone would be so peaceful , there's pure joy in there hearts and our country/ our wolrd would be filled with love . I wish everyone could learn to love like God's love because by that love we could attain everything . Every human being is happy to live their lives everyday .
Honestly speaking , I know it's impossible but I also know that there's no problem on my wish . Right ? Its just a wish but I'm hoping that someday it will come true . For God , everything is possible .
I wish everyone could learn to love like God 's love , then everyone would be so peaceful , there's pure joy in there hearts and our country/ our wolrd would be filled with love . I wish everyone could learn to love like God's love because by that love we could attain everything . Every human being is happy to live their lives everyday .
Honestly speaking , I know it's impossible but I also know that there's no problem on my wish . Right ? Its just a wish but I'm hoping that someday it will come true . For God , everything is possible .
I wish I could forget the time ..
Somtimes we could say that time is like a cheater . When your bored it seems like the clock is running too slow , but when your having so much fun it seems like the clock is running too fast that you want to stop it . When in fact time is not a cheater its just a matter of what you feel . When you think deeply time seems to be so precious , a fragile thing . When you miss it you will never have it again .
And now , here I am exploring . Thingking the time when my Lola was still here . I wish I could forget the time when I was not there for her . The time when I didn't respond to her sweetness and the time when I just ignore her . I wish I could forget that time . How I wish I could do so . But in the middle of my exploration I suddenly stop and say I may wishing to forget that time but its part of my history and I know there are reasons behind it . And I must learn from it .
Lastly , we could not change time . We could not rewind or even forward it . So as young as you are right now make the most of your time . Think as if you would not witness the sun tomorrow . Value every second of your life .
What do you think makes a happy family?
- "Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities."
- “Peace and love, brother. That’s where it all starts. If everyone wakes up with the attitude of peace and love, you can’t lose. The family just flows.”
What is the worst thing parents can do to their children ?
Physically, Sexually or Emotionally abuse and/or neglect their needs.
Other things aren't "good parenting", but kid's don't come with an owners manual. Sometimes parents learn from trial and error, even if they don't mean for something to turn out one way.
But, abuse that can fall in into the catergory of physical, emotional or sexual is just not "bad parenting", but that just makes you a bad human being.
Other things aren't "good parenting", but kid's don't come with an owners manual. Sometimes parents learn from trial and error, even if they don't mean for something to turn out one way.
But, abuse that can fall in into the catergory of physical, emotional or sexual is just not "bad parenting", but that just makes you a bad human being.
I wish i could learn--because
I wish I could learn English real fast. English is pretty complicated language to me probably because it is my second language. English grammar is different than Korean and it sometimes is confusing. I often feel stressed just because I don't know the meaning of the words and I am not good at writing in English. It gives me headache and I think it would be nice if everyone speaks Korean. Since it is not going to happen I wish I can learn English real fast so I can speak, listen, write and read in English very well without the stress.
How do you have the most fun---alone,large group,small friends ? why
I usually have the most fun with a few friends. I usually don't really have anything that is fun to do alone. Since I am an only child, I always think that it is better to have a sister or brother. Also the reason that I don't like to be with a large group is it gets really loud and unorganized but if I am with a few friends that I truly know then we can talk about some topic or play a game that we both like.
jane blog 5
16. What kind of pet would you like to have….monkey, snake, goat?...Why?
As an animal lover. I want to have a unique pet. But I know I have to choose on monkey, snake and goat only. In fact I have a dog named smyth and his color is white.
Everytime I remember my closest friend since in grade 5 until 3rd year. I always comparing her to my pet because she has a hairy skin like a monkey and she’s a animal lover too.
On the other hand, My bestfriend wants to have a monkey, so for her I’d rather choose to have a monkey so that I can always remember her.
Furthermore, monkey will be my friend nor a pet and a bestfriend because my pet dog was left at panabo where I lived recently.
In like manner, monkey and human have similarities even in attitude. But not all characteristics of human have similarities with monkey such as in how we speak, dance, walk, sing, and etc.
jane blog 6
p. if you could give any gift in the world, what would you give? And to whom?
Having a luxurious gift is what I wanted to have but of course I want it to be heartily given although it is not really nice. How unfortunate we are because were not always been given a presents/gift (exclusively poors) only just when there is a birthday.
If I have given a chance to give a presents or gift to someone special. I want it to be more special as what they are expecting .it would be a teddy bear with my picture and message on the chess of it so that the one who will receive it cannot easily forgot this present and of course he/she can easily remember me.
I want to give this simple but special gift to my mom, dad, love one or even my closest friend who always gave me strength and support to achieve my goals and who always there to guide and to love me as who I am.
What would you do if you wanted to be friends w/someone who spoke no English?
At our current era, many people speak English. Even five years when children areaccustomed to use English. When I have a friend who does not know how to use English, Iteach him to speak and use English, so that one day will understand that he saying peoplearound her and she will never fall prey of exploiting people in the world .
Why do you think some people take advantage of others?
Why people do take advantage of others? Maybe because of our own different personality or attitude.. We know that each person has a different personality, likes, dislikes, wants and everything. They just observe first those people who they want .. We just need to observe first :) Because not all all people in just a one click could be friends but there are some.. Or maybe because of their selfishness that they had to take advantage to other people, they want to own a thing for their self interest. Maybe that's the reason why they take advantage of others.
What are some rules you have to follow at home?
One of the policies we should follow our house should keep the house clean, because they do not like dirty surroundings and also not to embarrass the guest enters the house. Soevery day we clean our house so we will not embarrass guests.
What do you think makes a family happy?
To make the family happy, it must have a respect and love to each other without the two of that the family will not work.. Love to each other is a way that were we can show to them how much we love them specially to our parents .. They were the one who works just to make sure we have something to eat and they were the one who take good care of us when we are young until future..
And also it is so important if we have respect to each other, so that we wont get fight.. Respect, is a way were we can show to them that we love them :)) Following to their instruction and obeying them is also a one way that we love them. Without our family we are nothing. But most specially have faith in God, without that still, we are NOTHING. :)
And also it is so important if we have respect to each other, so that we wont get fight.. Respect, is a way were we can show to them that we love them :)) Following to their instruction and obeying them is also a one way that we love them. Without our family we are nothing. But most specially have faith in God, without that still, we are NOTHING. :)
Octaquain (jessa lou hapson)
fair,full of effort
risk taker,focus,knowledgable,hardwork,and competitive
life is full of challenges and trials
i am a lonely person who wants freedom
fair,full of effort
risk taker,focus,knowledgable,hardwork,and competitive
life is full of challenges and trials
i am a lonely person who wants freedom
What kind of pet would you most like to have ------- monkey,snakes,goat --- why??
There are lots of animals that i had seen. But al of us has also have our favorite pet to have.
I mostly like to have a lovebirds because since i was a kid, it's my dream to have that kind of birds to take care of. I like it because i think it is also a lovable pet, and cute :)
I mostly like to have a lovebirds because since i was a kid, it's my dream to have that kind of birds to take care of. I like it because i think it is also a lovable pet, and cute :)
What is your favorite month? Why?
Each month is special because it has their own occasion to celebrate. But for me my favorite month is may and December, why i choose the month of may? obviously it's the month were my mama gave me a birth for short it's my birthday :) The month of may has a many occasion to celebrate.. When we say it's the month of may, it comes to their mind that it's the celebration of Flores De mayo were many children join on that particular event also there's many fiesta celebration.. It is also the month of summer.. Summer? it's the day that people are enjoying their vacations.. It is the day where they can have their rest from their works or schools..
And why i choose December also? obviously again it's the month of Christmas season.. It is the month were we celebrate the birth of our Jesus Christ.. It is also the month of giving and sharing to those people who needs..But everyday must be always giving and sharing to others specially those people who really need help. December 24 in the midnight until 25 is the exact date where mama Mary gave birth to our savior Jesus Christ. All people celebrate that day, there are so many foods on their tables and gifts to gave were every children including me really want .. And we also celebrate our reunion on that month :)
And why i choose December also? obviously again it's the month of Christmas season.. It is the month were we celebrate the birth of our Jesus Christ.. It is also the month of giving and sharing to those people who needs..But everyday must be always giving and sharing to others specially those people who really need help. December 24 in the midnight until 25 is the exact date where mama Mary gave birth to our savior Jesus Christ. All people celebrate that day, there are so many foods on their tables and gifts to gave were every children including me really want .. And we also celebrate our reunion on that month :)
What effects does watching violence have on people?
We can't avoid the things happening arounds us .
For the peolple who really see it personally, it will be a trauma for them. It will be the reason for them not to go outside and think that going outside is not already safe for them.
We should always be ready on the thing that will happen around us because we can't predict or control on what will happen. All that we can do is to be ready, be strong on facing those things and we should always have faith on god that he will never leave us alone.
For the peolple who really see it personally, it will be a trauma for them. It will be the reason for them not to go outside and think that going outside is not already safe for them.
We should always be ready on the thing that will happen around us because we can't predict or control on what will happen. All that we can do is to be ready, be strong on facing those things and we should always have faith on god that he will never leave us alone.
i wish there were a law that said..this would be a good law because..
Everyone wants to have a law that they want to have..
But for me, i wish there's a law that said that all people can have a reactions or opinion for the agreement from the government, so that all people can also express their own opinion on what the government had said.
I know that it can also be the reason to the people to fight , but this woulkd be a good law for them to unite to have a reactions about it. And in this way of expressing of opinions we will have a peace in this world because all people will agree to the agreement they have.
But for me, i wish there's a law that said that all people can have a reactions or opinion for the agreement from the government, so that all people can also express their own opinion on what the government had said.
I know that it can also be the reason to the people to fight , but this woulkd be a good law for them to unite to have a reactions about it. And in this way of expressing of opinions we will have a peace in this world because all people will agree to the agreement they have.
i wishh i had a million in my hands.... then i would...
It's not bad to dream or to wish to have a millions in our hands.but in my life, I really wished to have that millions, if ever i will have that millions in my hand, then i would buy something important for me and for my family. Millions can also be my way to help other people who really needs a help especially financial.
But before i will have that money in my hands i should also work hard for it.these millions will never make me famous but a key to help other people.
But before i will have that money in my hands i should also work hard for it.these millions will never make me famous but a key to help other people.
what would you do if someone said that you did something wrong and you didn't?
Its not wrong to accused someone if you have an evidence..
If someone will said that i did something wrong,i will be angry, instead i will tell her the truth. i will also ask him/her to give me an evidence that i did something wrong. If he/she has no evidence then i will tell her not to accused someone directly is he/she has no evidence to prove that i did something wrong..
If someone will said that i did something wrong,i will be angry, instead i will tell her the truth. i will also ask him/her to give me an evidence that i did something wrong. If he/she has no evidence then i will tell her not to accused someone directly is he/she has no evidence to prove that i did something wrong..
what would happen if you found gold in your backyard?
We all know that golds are the most precious thing that we could ever have in our life.If we have golds, we always think that we are famous and rich.
If ever i will found a gold in our backyard, i will not dig it. Instead, i will keep it there and treat hgas a lucky charm for my future life.
Well, its not important to have or found a gold, because for me, my gold and precious thing that i can ever had in my life was my family and golds can't ever replace them.
If ever i will found a gold in our backyard, i will not dig it. Instead, i will keep it there and treat hgas a lucky charm for my future life.
Well, its not important to have or found a gold, because for me, my gold and precious thing that i can ever had in my life was my family and golds can't ever replace them.
What you are afraid of? Why?
When I did start to study I met my girl. We became close friends until we finish elementary school. Gradually I noticed the change of her habits and physical characteristics. I was fascinated with her. I can not tell my feelings to her, because I fear that she will not accept me and wear me several years to friendship.
What is more important to you, appearance or personality?
- As i observe, some people today specially us the teenager, much prefer the appearance than the personality.. why? for me, maybe because, if they have the appearance or they are good looking.. They can easily get many friends or people to like them because they have the nice appearance.. They will get good feedback's from others and so many people will like them specially the boys.. But remember the saying, what is beauty if you don't have the personality or brain? Well, what will be the purpose of the appearance w/out the personality?
For me, i would rather choose the personality because it is important.. Even if you don't have the appearance but you have the personality people or you're friends will still like you. It is not important what is outside the important is what is inside.. You're personality is the best asset that you can have to make others like you.. Even though you don't have the appearance but you're personality is good all people will still like you rather than you have yhe appearance but you're personality is nor good as well.
For me, i would rather choose the personality because it is important.. Even if you don't have the appearance but you have the personality people or you're friends will still like you. It is not important what is outside the important is what is inside.. You're personality is the best asset that you can have to make others like you.. Even though you don't have the appearance but you're personality is good all people will still like you rather than you have yhe appearance but you're personality is nor good as well.
G. what do you mean when we say ''you can catch more flies w/honey than w/vinegar?
'' You can catch more flies w/honey than w/vinegar '' means for me that we can get more friends if we are good to them. Good or sweet as honey..The flies their represent as the friends, we can get more friends if we are good. And it has the possibility that they will also like you because we are good.. Being good to others is important, because we need to negotiate with them so that in times of problem they were there, willing to help us and also if they have problems we are there to help them.. That is a sign of good friends, using the honey the honey to catch flies can attract easily to them. That's why we need honey to catch flies or in other words we need to be good to others so that they will good to you also.
But if we use vinegar to catch more flies, the flies will flew away. Why? imagine it, if you are not good to others do you think people like you? You can find friends if you are bad. Just like, if you use vinegar to catch flies, the flies will not go to you because the vinegar is sour. If you have something to want to other you just go to them but if you don't have you just let them . so we must use honey to catch flies than vinegar.
But if we use vinegar to catch more flies, the flies will flew away. Why? imagine it, if you are not good to others do you think people like you? You can find friends if you are bad. Just like, if you use vinegar to catch flies, the flies will not go to you because the vinegar is sour. If you have something to want to other you just go to them but if you don't have you just let them . so we must use honey to catch flies than vinegar.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
P. what if all the streets were rivers? what would be different?
If all the streets were rivers, maybe the people will not use such as, motorcycles, engine cars and many more that will use an engine just to start their cars.. And if ever that all the streets were rivers, our air will not be polluted and it will be going a fresh air.. And also the people will be using a boat or something else that can be use in water because the people has no choice. It will be a big different from the land streets, because the smoke of their cars can affect our airs specially our ozone layer that protect to us from the so much heat of the sun. While if we use a boat or something it will not effect our ozone layer because it has no smokes everytime it use. And it also helps our environment to be a smoke free.
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