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Sunday, October 23, 2011

What is your favorite month? Why?

 Each month is special because it has their own occasion to celebrate. But for me my favorite month is may and December,  why i choose the month of may? obviously it's the month were my mama gave me a birth for short it's my birthday :) The month of may has a many occasion to celebrate.. When we say it's the month of may, it comes to their mind that it's the celebration of Flores De mayo were many children join on that particular event  also there's many fiesta celebration.. It is also the month of summer.. Summer? it's the day that people are enjoying their vacations.. It is the day  where they can have their rest from their works or schools..

 And why i choose December also? obviously again it's the month of Christmas season.. It is the month were we celebrate the birth of our Jesus Christ.. It is also the month of giving and sharing to those people who needs..But everyday must be always giving and sharing to others specially those people who really need help. December 24 in the midnight until 25 is the exact date where mama Mary gave birth to our savior Jesus Christ. All people celebrate that day, there are so many foods on their tables and gifts to gave were every children including me really want .. And we also celebrate our reunion on that month :)

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